Hello guys!!!
yeah have been hearing updates going on about how your battery perfomances misbehaves well have come to point out 7 consecutives ways that can help u make your battery durable strong and last longer. Without wasting much time lets get started
Yes talking about charges...for your battery to be real durable and last stronger charges is a major function.Now of course most of us use our phones while charging them well thats NOT SUPPOSED TO BE SO because if it were meant to be that way the chargers would have been pretty much longer just like a pc or laptop chargers that are relatively long, but CHARGING your phone while using it is a major source of destroying your battery .....please when charging your phone just live the phone to get charged to its fullest before you start making use of it or better still while charging switch off your phone because when charging it and you switch it off it gets to charge faster since naturally in built materials are not running.
Another main battery absorber as i will say is your phones screen brightness... try reducing the screen whenever you are in a dark environment were you can see pretty clearly just reduce the screen brightness and were you can't really see then you can increase the brightness and once you are done with whatever you are doing on your device reduce the brightness again,...once you get this done your battery usage will be minimal
read more after the cut.....
Well this is another factor that consumes excessive battery life you notice that whenever your internet connection is on especially those of us on fast network carrier like WCDMA,HSDPA,HSUPA i.e 3G ,3.75G ,4G and the likes our battery tend to get drained faster than those on low internet connection like GPRS, EDGE e.t.c
What am i trying to say? whenever you are not using your Data connection make sure you switch it off so as to conserve your battery life....not a situation where you are not using it and you just live it down on..well those of us doing that lets put a break to that because doing that apparently drains your battery life and makes it get spoilt quickly.
This was the part that i discovered on my device that made me write on this post, well checking our battery consumption it might not be stated there that this also consumes our battery life but it really those ever since i switched it off my battery tend to last longer than usual .Its a location service that you allow on your device to enable google to collect anonymous location data ,well this feature is only applicable in ios users and android users mobile .this LOCATION CONSENT even collects anonymous location on your mobile when no applications are running on your device so if u agree to it and switch it on your battery life get consumed real fast but when you switch it off your battery becomes really durable and long lasting for real.So my advice is you turn it off and whenever you want google locations to locate you then you can switch it back on and when you done you switch it off again.
Yes running lots and lots of application consumes excessive battery usage, try closing down some applications you have already used up instead of living it minimized try closing them down this will certainly save your battery guage and performance worked really for me......
Yeah making use of du battery saver application is an app i strongly recommend for you guys to get downloaded it helps you in monitoring your battery usage and consumption
2.It also optimize your battery perfomances and if your phone is rooted it makes the application usage more useful so i strongly recommend you get it downloaded.HERES HOW TO CHECK IF YOUR PHONE IS ROOTED OR NOT USING MANUAL METHOD
Your phones volume also counts though it minor really but it also counts try reducing your phones volume or better still use an earphone this will surely increase your phone battery perfomances
Heres another people barely note of this TRICKLE CHARGES takes place after your battery is charged fully 100 percent. after your battery is charged 100 percent the trickle charge takes place 30 minutes after so when your battery is fully charged to 100 percent live your phone to keep charging for an extra 30 minutes for its this period the trickle charges performs or takes place,.you might be wondering what this trickle charges does? Well it helps electron flows inside the lithuim battery ,then makes up a self discharge and get a longer battery life....so its advisable to keep a trickle charge on your phone..
NOTE:Just to let you know constant draining of battery can make your battery get spoilt easily so lets follow up this steps and conserve our battery life.
i hope this few exercise points help for you...please if u have additional ways also in helping getting a stronger battery life please do share with us in the commentary box below thank you.
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