
12 Ways I Make Money Online

12 Ways I Make Money Online 

I am proudly a Nigerian making real, legal money online. I make money without worrying about Paypal and other challenges that discourage many Nigerians from making money online. Mind you, I don't waste my time engaging in schemes like Surveys, Paid to Read Emails. Believe it or not, I make money everyday. In this post, am highlighting ways I make money online for you. I hope you will be able to grab some ideas from it.

I use my blog to share things I know with people all around the world while also using it to promote all I do. The blog, makes money for me directly and indirectly. The more I share things I know, the more I win the trust of many people and when people trust you, they will find it easy to buy things you sell.

1.  Money from Google Adsense

I make money consistently from Google Adsense. Google Adsense allows me to place some Google ads on my blog. If you click on those Google ads, Google pays me. I receive my payment in form of checks which Google sends to me here in Nigeria via DHL and I cash the checks at GTBank via my dormiciliary account. I make cool money monthly
from too can. God willing, I hope to be making more than this in years to come.

Adsense is a good way to make money but it takes time. If you are the greedy type looking for a fast way to make money online, Adsense is not for you because once you try fooling Google, you will get banned for life. Trust me. You will need to have a blog before you can start making money from Adsense. Check out my Google Adsense Tutorials to learn more about Google Adsense.

2. Money from Selling ebooks and softwares

I make money selling ebooks and softwares. I advertise most of those ebooks and softwares I sell via my blog posts and also some via I receive payments directly into my bank accounts because most of the people that buy from me for now are mostly Nigerians. I hope to explore the international market in the future though....

Those that trust me, pay into my account and I deliver what they pay to them as soon as possible. I confirm payments with the help of my bank credit alerts and also via Internet banking. You too can make money selling ebooks even without writing any ebook by yourself. I can teach you....

3. Money from Setting up Blog for others/ Redesign

I make money redesigning other people's blogs. Some people who love my blog do ask me to redesign theirs while some pay me, just to create new blogs for them too. If you master the art of blogging, you too can start making money this way...

4. Money from advert placement

I make money helping some people to advertise their services right on my blog. Your blog must be big before people might be interested in paying you for this kind of service. I also make money helping some people to advertise their businesses using Google Adwords and Facebook Ads. You too can start making money rendering these services, if you learn the basics.

5. Money from Reviews and JVs

Some people do pay me to write about their websites on my blog. I also go into Joint- Venture partnership atimes, just to promote a product. If I help the partner to make some sales, I get paid.

BulkSMS Business

I have a bulksms website: and I make money from the SMS business in different ways. I use my blog in promoting my SMS business, hence I find it so easy getting customers without much stress.

6. Make money selling bulksms

I make money selling bulksms at Customers pay into my bank accounts and I credit their accounts once I confirm their payment. I also do help some clients in sending customizeSMS and I charge them for helping them, aside the money I make from the sale of sms units to them.

7. Make money selling BulkSMS Proposal letters and Ebook

I have an ebook that explains how to set up bulksms website with a capital as low as N4000 ( without SMS). I sell the ebook for N5000 and trust me, it sells.  I also sell Sample Proposal Letters which you can use to get BulkSMS contracts from churches, businesses, schools etc

8. Make Money setting up SMS website for others

I also make money setting up BUlkSMs website for those that do not have time reading an ebook to set it up by themselves. I charge N10, 000 for this service and those interested keep paying....

Other ways I make money Online are highlighted below:

9. Make money from web design

I design websites for clients based on what they want and I get paid in return. If you dont know how to design websites, go and learn it, so you can start making money from this service asap. Go and learn how to use "Wordpress" or "Joomla"  and you will be able to start designing cool websites for clients.

10. Make Money from domain name registration

I make money registering domain names, especially for bloggers wanting to change their blogspot address to dot com. You too can, if you know or learn how to do it.

11. Make money from Facebook services...

Some people do pay me to help them customize their Facebook Fan pages while some do pay me to help them advertise their products/services on Facebook.

12. Make Money from unlocking modems

Yes, I make money unlocking fastlink modems, Glo NetPro modem and Airtel modems for people intrested in using other network sim cards on their 3G modems. Those interested do send me recharge vouchers which I use to pay for my internet subscriptions. I also sell the Unlockers to those interested in return for cash.

These are not the only ways of making money, just that those above are the ones I concentrate on for now.

Affiliate Marketing, Site Flipping etc are other ways you can make money online but am not really exploring them for now.

If you want to make money online without beating about the bush, you either sell something or offer services in return for cash. Dont be a jerk of all trade. Focus on few models and you will see the money rolling in as time passes by. Make sure you check out my "Money Making Tutorials".

If interested in blogging, join my Facebook Group: BloggersLab. You will connect with other bloggers and I will easily be answering your questions there.

If interested in SMS business, feel free to contact me too.

I hope this helps..

In my future posts, I will be explaining more about these ways I make money. So, subscribe to my blog if you want to be receiving the tutorials in your email inbox even if you are not online when I post the tutorials. Make sure you verify your subscription by clicking on the link that will be in the mail that will be sent to you once you subscribe.

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