

Whatsapp Last Seen TimeStamp
Sometimes it is really awkward and problematic when you don’t want to show that you have check someone’s message or not, but unfortunately Whatsapp doesn’t have the feature to disable Last Seen in Whatsapp. But don’t worry because I am here to the rescue. After reading this article, you will be able to disable or hide Whatsapp “Last Seen” feature.
Okay, there are Two different methods, first is through App and second one is Manual method for users who don’t want to install another app.

Disable Last Seen in Whatsapp using Apps – Android users

There is a simple app known as “Last Not Seen” that restricts Whatsapp form updating your status about your message reading(i.e. Last Seen). The App is no longer available in Google Playstore so we have separately uploaded it for you on our Cloud account.

How it works ?
It restricts or deactivates your cellphone’s internet connection while your Whatsapp is running on your mobile phone. It doesn’t allow the servers to update your last message reading ( Last Seen) status.
1. First of all, Download and install this App .
2. Open the app and tick “Block Last Seen”
  • Now go to WA and you will notice that you Internet connection has automatically went off .
  • As soon as you leave Whatsapp, it will enable Internet connection of your cellphone.
See, it was easy, isn’t it ? . Now what if you don’ want to use any app for it ? Then don’t worry, we have a manual method too.

Disable Last Seen in Whatsapp using Manual method

1. Disable your cellphone’s Interent and Wifi.
2. Open Whatsapp. Read and send messages.
3. Close WA, now enable Internet and Wifi. As soon as the Internet connectivity re-initialized , WA will synchronize  with the servers and the messages will be sent without the server getting your last online status update.

Disable Last Seen in Whatsapp for Iphone

I am an Iphone user, what to do ? 
Just relax because the latest update of WA for Iphone have “Last Seen Timestamp” option. Simply go Settings>> Advanced>>Last Seen Timestamp  and turn it OFF

Unfortunately for our Blackberry and Windows phone users, there is no such method other than Manual at this moment. However in the past, Blackberry had an app known as OpenWhatsapp for hiding Last Seen, but it has been discontinued by its developers. But stay tuned, we will find some trick for these two soon.
What’s your thought about it ? Did you find it difficult or the apps is not running properly, please let us know

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