

Make Mone y Online With Blog Posts Photos at

 If you are looking for new models that can bring in additional online revenue, you can consider monetizing the images on your site and start making money from ads that display on them. In-image advertising company gumgum , makes this achievable.

GumGum is an image-based ad network that allows advertisers to reach new customers through image advertising while also allowing publishers to make money by displaying ads on the photos on their site. GumGum claims to pay publishers between $3 and $5 CPMs (price paid by advertisers per thousand impressions). The startup doesn't pay per click on the ads. If you own a blog, this is an opportunity for you to start making money from those photos in your blog posts. Similar to other ad-networks, a simple one- time, one-line Javascript code install enables GumGum to detect images on your website and match relevant ads to them. Below is a sample of ad overlaid on an image. You can also see a simple ad here .

GumGum display ads only on pages that contain full-size images - defined as images larger than 250 x 250 pixels and the CPMs vary depending on image use, size, frequency of images, vertical, etc. Describing each photo with HTML alt text improves GumGum's ability to target ads. So, be as specific as possible: telling GumGum it is a picture of a "phone" helps, but " iPhone 5S " is better. Once your account balance reaches $50, a payment will automatically be sent during GumGum's next payment cycle. Payment terms are net 60 days and all payments are sent through Paypal or check. GumGum's ads work alongside standard ad networks including Google Adsense, Adbrite, Kontera, etc and offers control on which image display ads. GumGum ads do not affect the look of images as they are strictly overlays and can be completely closed out by users at any time.


Sign up for a publisher account at and check the implementation guide here. Make sure that the GumGum code is embedded directly above the closing body tag in your blog's html. I have implemented GumGum ad on my blog and have earned a little from the network. I hope to earn more once I optimize the photos in my blog posts especially the popular posts, making sure they are larger than 250 x 250pixels. The one place every user’s eye focuses on first are photos whenever they visit a site. Won't it make sense making money from those photos? If you've used or currently monetizing your site photos with GumGum, please share your experience. If you also know alternatives to GumGum, kindly share via comments. 

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