
Blackberry Maker Set To Launch BBM For PC [See Pics]!

 Fri 27 Sep 2013
BlackBerry was slated to launch BBM for
Android and iOS last weekend. But as if
the Waterloo-based smartphone
pioneer hasn't faced enough challenges
recently, its launch was a massive flop.

"Last week, an unreleased, older

version of the BBM for Android app was
posted on numerous file sharing sites.
This older version resulted in volumes of
data traffic orders of magnitude higher
than normal for each active user and
impacted the system in abnormal ways,"

Andrew Bocking, the executive vice
president of BBM, explained of the
mishap on BlackBerry's blog. "The
version we were planning to release on
Saturday addressed these issues,
however we could not block users of the
unreleased version if we went ahead
with the launch."

Despite this fail—which has yet to be
resolved—BlackBerry still decided to
show off BBM for Desktop during its
BlackBerry Jam Asia 2013. In Hong Kong,
Chris Smith, VP of Application Platform
at BlackBerry, demonstrated on a
Windows PC what BBM will look like for
the desktop.

The brief demo was not accompanied
with any sort of release date.
It's also been widely rumoured that a
BBM for Mac app is also in the works;
again, however, details remain scarce.

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