
How To Make More Than 30Minutes Free Call To Any Network

Do you know you could make more than 40mins free call to any network without paying a dime?

Now, just follow below

==> Get at least 3 or 4
sims or lines and write
down the
numbers for each sim on
a piece of paper so you
forget. e.g
*sim1 - 081215243**
*sim2 - 081657005**
*sim3 - 081826165**

==> Now put sim1 in a
working phone and switch

the phone
on incase of the phone
verification call.

==> Now go to

and click try us with a
free call.

==> Then fill the fields with
a different username, but
in the
phone no. field put sim1
no. i.e 081215243**
in the
email field put an invalid
email address e.g
yougiftedworld@, robmaingate@, etc

=> Then click create a
free account, then follow
remaining procedures and
make the 1st 5mins free
call and
then logout.

==> Then do the same to
sim2, sim3 and sim4,
on how many sims you
have, as for me I have like
5sims and
I made like 25mins free
call after using those
numbers to

Knowing I can't register
with them again, I have to
use friend's numbers,
verify it and make my
free call.


If you have like 8sims

==> 8sims x 5mins freecall

==> 40mins
free call for you. So, keep
on registering with this
trick, I
have made over 50mins
free call to any network I
wish to.

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